Comparison between FormosaSoft stream format (.fs) and Adobe .swf format
FormosaSoft Streaming format (.fs) provides high quality and low bandwidth online materials, and allows for a play-on-demand and seek functions on any web site, no streaming server is required. However, PowerCam still allows to output .swf format for any flash8 enabled browser. The difference between .fs and the published .swf format is listed below.
items Original Stream Format (.fs) Published Flash Format (.swf)
1. System Requirement Windows + IE Browser only
The FormosaSoft player will be installed on-line automatically when you open the media at the first time.
Windows/Mac or any Flash8 enabled Browser
2. Video Support Yes No
3. Audio Quality Excellent good, but audio will discontinue as slide changing
4. Hardware Requirement Lower Higher
5. Bandwidth Requirement Lower Higher
6. External Html Support Yes, including external videos, htmls, files and so on. No
>> Install PowerCam Player on-line (IE only)